Carbon Neutral Flights

As an international organization, we happen to fly quite a bit in order to get to our project locations. Often times we get confronted how we comprehend this rather contradictory fact of producing CO2 and help corals to regrow that are suffering due to elevated levels of CO2 in the atmosphere in the first place.

Scientific Research on Mineral Accretion in Kenya

In December 2019,, in conjunction with the REEFolution foundation and Wageningen Research University, began the establishment of a scientific report to test the effects of the mineral accretion process.

Coral Reef Restoration Project in North Malé Atoll, Maldives

Press Release December 2018 North Male Atoll, MALDIVES Recognizing the International Year of the Reef 2018, in this year’s final month, created a unique, 8,000-fragment-strong Mineral Accretion Coral Nursery in North Malé Atoll, Maldives.

Mineral Accretion Coral Nursery setup in the Maldives

In the latest project, Coralive in cooperation with the local Maldivian NGO “Atoll Volunteers” on the island of Naifaru, managed to set up a coral nursery for fragment propagation. This included adding two different ways to nurse coral pieces which will be reintroduced to the existing reef once they reached a decent size.

Coral Restoration Project in the Philippines

Coralive has partnered with La Luz Beach Resort in San Juan, Batangas in the Philippines and is working on coral structures that will be placed in front of the resort. Consisting of tunnel and dome shaped steel frames, the coral structures will have an area of about 150m2.

Coral Restoration Project in Jamaica will use the mineral accretion technology to power several structures outside of a breakwater that protects the beach of the Royalton Negril Hotel in Jamaica.

Meet the Creators: Ahmad “Aki” Allahgholi from Coralive

We believe that the world’s greatest challenges will never be solved by one person or organization alone. We need to work together! We are introducing our new series #MeetTheCreators with a monthly interview with a member showing his/her impact and work for reaching the sustainable development goals.

RCUK Conference 2016 was at the 19th Reef Conservation UK Conference last weekend held at the Zoological Society of London. We witnessed informative presentations on climate change and reef resilience, reef ecology, reef conservation and management and other compelling topics. Highlight was listening to the “Godfather of Corals,” marine scientist Dr. John “Charlie” Veron